JoAnna Pettit-Almasude has had a passion for art since she began drawing on her family’s living room walls at the age of 18 months of age. So, it was no surprise when she completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts and her Master’s Degree in Fine Arts from Ohio University. She also taught art at the university level for 23 years, and her artwork has been exhibited in the USA and internationally for nearly 40 years.
JoAnna is the wife of Dr. Amar Almasude (a Rifian from Nador, Morocco) and a mother of three grown children. When the Almasude’s children were young, she struggled to try to teach them a few words in Tamazight. JoAnna hopes this and future children’s books will help Amazigh families living in the USA teach their children their native language. She also hopes this book will encourage the Amazigh people of the Rif to read to their children using their beautiful native language.
Titles JoAnna authored and illustrated: